The problem here is that milliseconds is a unit of time while feet is a unit of length. Given a velocity (units of ft/s or m/s) it would be possible to relate the two. Otherwise they are unrelated.
When dealing with Lines of Latitude or Longitude One degree latitude equals 60 nautical miles, which is about 69.05 miles, at the equator.There is 3600 minutes in a degree.
There is .019 miles in a degree.
This equates to about 100.32 feet in a degree.
Milliseconds means a 1000th of a degree.
This equates to .1 feet or about 1.2 inches in a millisecond at the equator.
1000 milliseconds = 1 second
There are 1000 microseconds in 1 millisecond, or 0.001 milliseconds equals 1 microsecond.
1 millisecond equals 1000 microseconds therefore 86 milliseconds = 86,000 microseconds
1 day = 86,400,000 milliseconds.
1000 milliseconds = 1 second
1000 milliseconds = 1 second so 8 milliseconds = 8/1000 = 0.008 seconds. Simple!
1000 milliseconds
There are 1000 microseconds in 1 millisecond, or 0.001 milliseconds equals 1 microsecond.
1 yard and 2 feet equals five feet.
1 millisecond equals 1000 microseconds therefore 86 milliseconds = 86,000 microseconds
There are 60,000 milliseconds in a minute.
1 day = 86,400,000 milliseconds.
1,000 milliseconds
63 000 milliseconds are there ๐ Hope it was helpful
There are 1,000 milliseconds in one second.