The prefix "milli" means 1/1000. Therefore. to convert from liters to milliliters, you multiply by 1000.
About 1.89 liters is one answer.
2.67 pints (imperial) or 3.33 pints (US)
Two liters and one fifth of a liter
Yes. A gallon is 128 ounces, so a half-gallon is 64 ounces. A liter is approximately 33.8 ounces, so two liters is approximately 67.6 ounces, and thus slightly bigger than a half gallon.
one thosand
One milliliter equates to 0.001 liter.
1.5 tablespoon (US) is 22 ml
One half gallon is equal to approximately 1.89 liters.
One-half cup of bleach is equivalent to approximately 0.12 liters.
There are 1500 milliliters in one and a half liters. This is because there are 1000 milliliters in one liter, and therefore one and a half liters would be 1500 milliliters.
2.5 liters is about 0.660 US gallons.
That is 1,500 ml.
There are about 6.34 cups in 1.5 liters.
That is 0.625 ml
1,000 ml in 1 litre.
one thousandthe prefix milli~ means 1,000