175 min in 175 min.
1 day = 24 hrs, so 7 days = 168 hrs Each hour is 3600 sec, so 168 hrs is 604800 sec Hence 7days = 168 hours = 604800 seconds
There are 7 days in a week 84 days/ 7days per week = 12 weeks
160 minutes
1 min = 60 sec 30 min = 1800 sec
=24hr x 7days x 6weeks and there is your answer= 1038.
52 weeks
no they go start as kid for 7days then to teens for 7days after which they become an adult
7 days 8 hours is 176 hours.
Three to Four Working days
There are 10080 minutes in a week. justification for my ans:- ie. 60min make an hour so 1440min make a day (as there are 24 hours in a day). 1440min * 7days=10080min (as 7days make a week).
7days a
64days x 1week/7days = 9.14 weeks or 9weeks & 1day
175 min in 175 min.
1 day = 24 hrs, so 7 days = 168 hrs Each hour is 3600 sec, so 168 hrs is 604800 sec Hence 7days = 168 hours = 604800 seconds