1000 divided by 60 is 16.66666667 hours, which is 16 and two-thirds of an hour, or 16 hours 40 mins
210 mins.
12 hours and 35 mins is not a full day, it is only half a day and 35 mins
330 seconds.
There are: 150/5 = 30 of them
1 hour and 46 mintues
1000 divided by 60 is 16.66666667 hours, which is 16 and two-thirds of an hour, or 16 hours 40 mins
90 of them.
90 seconds
150 seconds
Well, sweetheart, if you can't handle basic math, I'm not sure what to tell you. One and a half hours is the same as 90 minutes. So, there you have it, 90 minutes in one and a half hours. Math doesn't have to be rocket science, darling.
210 mins.
12 hours and 35 mins is not a full day, it is only half a day and 35 mins
1 and a half.....60 mins is a hour and 30 is half
330 seconds.
30 mins is half an hour. A half as a decimal is .50
There are: 150/5 = 30 of them