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Q: How many mins it take to walk 1.71miles?
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How many min dose it take to walk a mile?

About 10-15 mins depending how fast you walk

How many mins is 400m walk?

The answer depends on the speed at which you walk.

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134 mins (2 hrs 14 mins)

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Well I am about 5 mins. walk from the shops.

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It typically takes about 1-1.5 hours to walk around Argal Reservoir, which is approximately 1.5 miles in distance. The flat and well-maintained path makes it an enjoyable stroll for visitors.

How many minutes would it take to walk a mile?

The average walking speed is about 3 miles an hour, so it would take about 20 minutes to walk a mile. However, it depends on your health, what you are carrying, and level of effort: walking slowly = 20-25 mins per mile walking briskly = 17-20 mins per mile walking fast = 13-17 mins per mile jogging = 9-13 mins per mile running = 5-9 mins per mile

How many minutes does it take to jog a mile?

I guess it take 7-8 minutes for an average person to run 1 mile.

How long does it take to get from leeds Bradford airport to leeds train station?

depends how your traveling Bus: you need to get on the 757 which will take you too the bus station in about 30 mins and from there you walk for about 10 mins Car :It takes about 25 mins in a car walking : i adivise you dont walk bike : about 1 hour hope this helps you x

If one man can walk 400m in 4 mins how many mins he needs for 1km?

400 meters is 0.4 km. 4 minutes divided by 0.4 gives 10 soAnswer:It would take man who walks four hundred meters in four minutes, ten minutes to walk a kilometer.

How long does it take to walk one third of a mile?

5 minutes is you are of average build

How long does it take to walk 11 km?

Probably between 2 hours and 2 and a half hours, depending on how fast you walk. (Average is 1 km in 12 mins x 11 = 132mins = 2hrs, 12 mins).