One minute is 60 seconds. Therefore, 130 seconds = 130 / 60 = 2.167 minutes.
There are 60 seconds in one minute. Therefore, 130 seconds is equal to 130/60 = 2 remainder 10 or 2 minutes 10 seconds.
130 years
1 year = 525600 minute 18 year = 9460800 minute
One minute is 60 seconds. Therefore, 130 seconds = 130 / 60 = 2.167 minutes.
130-350 beats per minute.
About 130 beats/minute for sports like basketball
It is 2 1/2 years. 130 divided by 52=2.5
130-240 times
There are 60 seconds in one minute. Therefore, 130 seconds is equal to 130/60 = 2 remainder 10 or 2 minutes 10 seconds.
Oh, isn't that just a happy little question! In 130 years, there are 13 decades. You see, each decade represents 10 years, so when you have 130 years, you can divide it by 10 to find out how many decades there are. Just imagine each decade as a beautiful tree in a serene forest, adding to the beauty of the passing years.
130 years
130 to 140 beats per minute
1,139,555.66 hours.
130 fortnights in 5 years.