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They only commit suicide once in a lifetime. Thats all they get.

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Q: How many minutes a day does someone commit suicide?
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How many People Committed Suicide by Someone Driving over Themselves in 2012?

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How many people decide to commit suicide after seeing their parents die?

Too many. This is especially common in the children of parents who commit suicide. The children may not commit suicide for many years but there is a definite increase in the risk.

How many people commit suicide in the US per minute?

Sucides happen a lot through out the U.S. that usually it is not on the news unless it is someone famous. I have to say about...........between 25 and....................301. wow

How many kids percentage commit suicide because of being bulled?

10 percent will commit suicide as a result to being bullied

How many kids commit suicide because of bullying in the UK?

about 300 children aged 8-16 commit suicide every year.

In all of his plays how many times do Shakespearean actors commit suicide?

There are about nine onstage suicides. About six more commit suicide offstage.

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How many people a year in the UK comit suicide?

In the UK about 6,000 people commit suicide per year. Men commit suicide at rates of more that three times that of women.

Do Muslims go to heaven if they commit suicide because of depression?

No, suicide is completely forbidden to Muslims and they shall not get to heaven no matter why they commit suicide. This is found in many places in both Qu'ran and Hadith.

How many people commit suicide all together?
