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Q: How many minutes after drink is consumed?
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you drink it

How many coca colas consumed in an hour?

You can drink about 12 or 10 coca cola cans in an hour. If you drink 10 in an hour you can drink a can every 10 minutes. But it was said that if you drink too much coca cola in one hour you might have a heart attack. You can also drink 12 coca cola cans in an hour because every 5 minutes you can drink one can. Drinking 10 cans of coca cola is easy for coca cola lovers.

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most I've consumed is about 32 cups

How many cups an hour can a camel drink in ten minutes?

Non, in ten minutes it would not be able to drink as much as it could in an hour.

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Can type o blood drink beer?

Anyone can drink beer, regardless of their blood type. But don't drink too much. Alcohol can be consumed by anyone, but it is also dangerous to anyone, if consumed to excess.

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If it took 8 elephants 8 minutes to drink 8 pints of water all at the same time how many elephants would it take to drink 16 pints of water in 16 minutes?

8 elephants.If the drink 8 pints in 8 minutes, they will drink 8+8 pints in 8+8 minutes, that is: 16 pints in 16 minutes

If you drink 5 bottles of beer in 30 minutes how many bottles do you drink in 24 hours?

60 240

How many people drink milkshake in us?

Since people make their own smoothies as well as buying them in shops, there is no way to determine how many are consumed.

What is the traditional drink of boilermakers and how is it typically consumed?

The traditional drink of boilermakers is a shot of whiskey followed by a beer. It is typically consumed by taking the shot of whiskey first and then immediately chasing it with the beer.

What is a beverage?

A beverage is a liquid which is made to be consumed by an individual.