2.30-3.00 = 30mins
3.00-5.00 = 120mins
5.00-5.20 = 20mins
30+120+20 = 170mins
The answer depends on what you intended by "half past 122".
Half is 30.
40 minutes
Between ten past nine in the morning and fifteen minutes later - (that is twenty five past nine in the morning), there are zero hours and fifteen minutes.
The answer depends on what you intended by "half past 122".
50 minutes in total.
There are 398 minutes between twenty seven minutes past eight and fifty three minutes past two.
30 minutes.
The answer to 'what is twenty minutes past four?' Is 4:24 or if your wondering what is twenty five minutes past four minutes, well that would be 29 minutes just add twenty five and four.
30 minutes have past if it's half past the hours. As a side effect 30 minutes is left till the hour ends if it's half past the hour.
Half is 30.
55 minutes
40 minutes
30 minutes have past if it's half past the hours. As a side effect 30 minutes is left till the hour ends if it's half past the hour.
8.25 means twenty-five minutes past eight.
Thirty !