There are 16,666,666.7 minutes in one billion seconds.
1,000,000,000 secs is 31 years, 251 days, 1166 mins and 40 seconds
Assuming you could average a number per second (not easy if you enumerate some of the larger numbers fully) one billion seconds is 16,666,666 minutes and 40 seconds. It's a little over 31 and 1/2 years, if you never sleep.
One billion minutes is equal to 1,000,000,000 minutes. This is because the prefix "bi-" in billion signifies "two" in the International System of Units, indicating a factor of one billion. Therefore, one billion minutes is a very large quantity, equivalent to approximately 1,901 years.
There are 31.71 years in a billion seconds.
There are 16,666,666.7 minutes in one billion seconds.
1,000,000,000 secs is 31 years, 251 days, 1166 mins and 40 seconds
Assuming you could average a number per second (not easy if you enumerate some of the larger numbers fully) one billion seconds is 16,666,666 minutes and 40 seconds. It's a little over 31 and 1/2 years, if you never sleep.
4,800 seconds.
One billion minutes is equal to 1,000,000,000 minutes. This is because the prefix "bi-" in billion signifies "two" in the International System of Units, indicating a factor of one billion. Therefore, one billion minutes is a very large quantity, equivalent to approximately 1,901 years.
There are 31.71 years in a billion seconds.
Check your math and your billion divided by 31,536000 = 31.7 years, not 31 thousand years. It is actually 31 years, 259 days, 1 hour, 46 minutes and 40 seconds 1 Billion seconds equal 1 billion divided by the number of seconds in a year (31,536,000) equals 31,709.79 years. So just about 32 thousand years
One does 48(because minutes)x60(how many seconds are in a minute)=2880 seconds
One minute = 60 seconds. 10 minutes = 600 seconds.
3,600 seconds is 60 minutes OR one hour.
There are approximately 1,901.33 years in one billion minutes.
1 Billion Seconds is approximately 31.69 years. Here is how I calculated it: 1,000,000,000 Seconds / 60 seconds(in one minute) = approx. 16,666,666 Minutes 16,666,666 Minutes / 60 Minutes (in one hour) = approx . 277,777 Hours 277,777 Hours / 24 Hours (in one day) = approx. 11,574 Days 11,574 Days / 365.25 Days (in one year) = approx. 31.69 Years