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Q: How many minutes does it take for a fire to go from little to big?
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How long does it take a small fire to become a large fire?

3 minutes

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In as little as 3 minutes.

How long does it take to fly from the UK to Ireland?

That will depend on where you are flying from and to. It can take as little as 30 minutes.

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30 minutes

A fire truck holds 750 gallons of water The hose is administering 4.17 gallons of water per second How many minutes will it take you to empty your truck?

You must divide 750 by 4.17 which gives you 179.86 (rounded up). This is how many seconds it will take. Then you must divide 179.86 by 60 because there are 60 seconds in a minute. The Answer is 2.99 minutes. About three minutes.

How many minutes does it take to tour England completely?

This cannot be answered because we don't know what you mean by "completely" - if you mean to see every tiny little bit of the country, it would take many years.

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only a little bit

How long does a pet scan take?

A full body PET scan can take 30 to 45 minutes. A scan of a single lamp or a single organ can take as little as 10 minutes.

How many minutes does the US take up?

Well actually the US doesn't take up minutes but there are 1440 minutes in a day.

How long should it take to get out of a house for a fire drill?

Depending on the size of the building it is between 1 and 3 minutes. Smoke can kill and many deaths in a fire are not caused by burns, but smoke inhalation (also referred to as 'Pretty Corpses').

How many minutes does it take from Hollywood to chino hills?

53 minutes

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62 minutes