one sixtieth of an hour is one minute
one minute
There are 60 minutes in one hour.
One hour is 60 minutes so one and a half hour is 60 + 30=90 minutes
If the question is, How many minutes is one tenth of an hour ? Then,1 hour = 60 minutes1/10 hour = 60/10 = 6 minutes.
one sixtieth of an hour is one minute
one minute
360 degrees.
At the end - after the 59th minute.
1440 seconds is 24 minutes. That is one sixtieth (1/60) of a day.
A minute is one sixtieth (1/60) of an hour.
There are 60 minutes in one hour.
1 hour = 60 minutes.
One hour is 60 minutes so one and a half hour is 60 + 30=90 minutes
If the question is, How many minutes is one tenth of an hour ? Then,1 hour = 60 minutes1/10 hour = 60/10 = 6 minutes.
One sixtieth of a degree is known as a minute of arc, denoted as 1'. It is a unit of angular measurement commonly used in geography, astronomy, and navigation. There are 60 minutes in one degree, and each minute can be further divided into 60 seconds of arc.
There are 20 minutes in one third of an hour.