

How many minutes is a dog hour?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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The rate of aging depends strongly on the breed of dog. Even if the average for all breeds is estimated, the rate decreases after the first two years. There is no way to calculate an accurate answer to your question without more information about the specific dog.

If you don't care about using the mythical rate of "7 dog years per human year", then ANY duration in dog time is 7 times the human duration:

(dog minutes) = (human minutes) * 7

Since a dog hour is 60 dog minutes:

(60) = (human minutes) * 7

(human minutes) = 60 / 7

= 8.57143 human minutes

= 8 minutes, 34.286 seconds in human time

Again, this uses the mythical, fictional rate of "7 dog years per human year".

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