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The two balloons are 150-10 = 140 metres apart.

They are travelling towards each other at a speed of 15+20 = 35 metres per minute.

140 m at 35 m/minute takes 140/35 = 4 minutes.

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Q: How many minutes will it take two balloons to meet if a balloon 10 meters above the ground and rising 15 meters per minute and a balloon 150 meters above the ground descending at 20 meters per minute?
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Why Does An Air Balloon Drop To The Ground?

Depends. IF you mean BALLOON then the following is the answer If it is a small cold air balloon gravity simply pulls it down as it is denser than the surrounding air (ie. it weighs more for the space it take up then the surrounding air it displaces). If it is a hot air balloon then the hot air has expanded so as to displace the heavier cold air inside and around the balloon and now being less dense than the surrounding air it simply floats upwards defeating gravity (the reality is that the balloon only appears to rise - what actually happens is that the colder air falls around the hot air). Once the hot air cools the balloon shrinks in size displacing less cold air around it and it is now denser than the surrounding air and gravity takes over and the balloon is pulled toward the earth (commonly called "down") IF you really meant a guy named Ballon he was a German ballet dancer and probably tripped IF you mean a Balloon flask as used in Chemical procedures to catch the drippings of distillation then some one only has to knock it off the bench. IF you mean the village of Ballon it is already ground. Although the air in the balloon is the same density as the air outside, the rubber weighs it down pulling it to the ground. This doesn't happen with helium balloons because they are so much less dense than air that they can carry the plastic.

What is the formula for ground speed?

The distance traveled divided by the time it took in minutes

A hot air balloon is flying 500 feet from where your standing April is 275 feet away from you what is the distance between the hot air balloon and April?

Depends on 2 things. 1. The height of the balloon. The higher it is, the greater the distance between April and the balloon. 2. The direction of both in relation to you. Presuming the balloon is at ground level, if both are in the same direction, then the distance between them is 500 minus 275 ft. If they are in opposite directions then the distance is 500 plus 275 ft. If they are in varying directions the answer could be anything between these two results.

How long would it take a water balloon to drop 200 feet?

if you ignore air resistance, it would take about 3.5 seconds; at ttat point where it hits the ground it is traveling at 75 mph. Because of the air drag, it may take a bit longer to hit the ground.

What walks backwards every three minutes?

someone that keeps finding pennys on the ground and then relized that the person in front of him/her has a hole in his/her pocket

Related questions

How do hot air balloons return to the ground?

Hot air balloons descend by gradually releasing hot air from the envelope. The pilot controls the descent by manipulating the amount of hot air in the envelope and finding a suitable landing spot. When the balloon reaches the desired altitude for landing, the pilot will release all the remaining hot air and bring the balloon gently back to the ground.

What is the weight of an empty balloon?

There is no weight in an empty balloon. Empty balloons will not stay on the ground long enough to have any real weight.

How do air balloons lift off from the ground?

Balloons filled with Helium rise because Helium is less dense than normal air. Hot air balloons lift off the ground because heat rises, and when the balloon is full of air of a higher temperature than its surroundings, the balloon will rise.

What element is used in a hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons typically use propane gas as a fuel source to heat the air inside the balloon envelope, causing it to rise and lift the balloon off the ground.

Can a bow and arrow pop a hot air balloon?

Not really, only small balloons will "pop". Hot air balloons that are large enough to carry people will lose air ( & lift) when the balloon is penetrated or torn. The balloon will lose its ability to stay up in the air.AnswerIt's highly unlikely that an arrow would reach a hot air balloon unless it were very close to the ground

When the balloon is up in the air the burner is turned off and the balloon drifts along with the wind What will eventually happen to the air inside the balloon?

As the balloon cools down, the air inside will also cool. This will cause the air pressure inside the balloon to decrease, potentially leading to the balloon descending back to the ground due to the decreased pressure.

Why don't normal balloons stay in the sky?

Normal balloons are filled with helium, which is lighter than the surrounding air. This causes the balloon to float in the air. However, over time the helium escapes from the balloon, making it lose buoyancy and eventually fall back to the ground.

Where do birthday balloons go when they are released in the air?

When birthday balloons are released in the air, they typically rise until the pressure inside the balloon equals the pressure of the surrounding atmosphere. At this point, the balloon will stay at that altitude until it eventually deflates and comes back down to Earth, where it can become litter if not disposed of properly.

How do hot air balloons descend?

Hot air balloons descend by releasing hot air from the balloon envelope, causing it to cool down and become denser. This decrease in density causes the balloon to descend slowly until it reaches the ground. Pilots control the rate of descent by manipulating the amount of heat in the balloon.

What causes a balloon to fall to the ground?

A balloon falls to the ground when the weight of the gas inside the balloon is not enough to lift the weight of the balloon and the air around it. As the gas cools, its density increases, causing the balloon to descend.

What gas do we fill in hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons are filled with hot air from a propane burner in the basket. Hot air rises. So provided the cooling air in the balloon is topped up from short blasts from the burner, the balloon will rise off the ground.

How many balloons can lift a child?

The number of balloons needed to lift a child would depend on the weight of the child and the size of the balloons. On average, it may take around 80-100 helium-filled balloons to lift a small child off the ground. It's important to consider safety measures and proper balloon handling if attempting such a stunt.