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For whatever time you have set it to cook.

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Q: How many minutes will the pie be ready?
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How many minutes will the pie be ready from septimus?

five minutes

How man minutes will the pie be ready?

I don't know look in the book and if you are on woozworld add me my name is onyxyna! thnx! <3

How many minutes is American Pie song?

8 minutes and 31 seconds.

Who likes pie on Tuesdays?

Ready or not i like pie on any day dont judge pie!

In How many minutes will the pies be ready for woozworld?

The answer is ten

How long do you cook a pie crust for a lemon meringue pie?

depends how big it is just check it usually its about 20 to 30 minutes but you will begin to smell it and see when its ready it'll be more brown like a nice tanny golden brown.

Can you bake a ready made pie crust?


What temp and how long to bake a frozen cherry pie?

If the pie is an unbaked, frozen pie, preheat the oven to 400 degree fahrenheit. Do not thaw the pie, and place it in the preheated oven for about 50-60 minutes. Be sure to cut "steam holes" in the pie crust lid.If the pie is a baked, frozen pie, thaw it for about 1 hour, then place it in a preheated 375 degree oven for about 20-30 minutes.

How long do you bake a froozen pie?

This may not be a very helpful answer but it is a suggestion... Usually, the time suggested to bake a frozen pie is listed somewhere on the packaging. If not, baking a pie usually starts with preheating the oven and monitoring the pie as it cooks. Another way to cook a frozen pie would be heating it in the microwave oven. Again you'd monitor the pie until it seemed ready to serve. These suggestions were posted by acefairytopia and can all be used..unless of course you like icey pie.

What song was 7 minutes long?

"American Pie"

How many emperor penguins were there in 1990?

Pie pie pie pie pie pie pie.

How much does it cost to make a blueberry pie?

It depends on how it's prepared : the cheapest, fastest method is to use ready made two- pack pie crusts, and canned filling. The tastiest way is to prepare homemade pie dough, and filling. Fresh or frozen blueberries vary in cost depending on where and how they're acquired. The ready made pie costs approximately $ 4.00 for a 9" pie, where a delicious well worth it homemade pie will run about $ 6.00 to make.