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Q: How many months and days does it kill a state year in prison in KY?
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How long is a life sentence in Oklahoma for shooting with intent to kill?

Life in State Prison

How much time do you serve on a 12 year sentence in Arkansas?

I cant speak for other states but in Wyoming you will kill a 24 month sentence in 18 months In the State of Missouri with no prior terms of prison incarceration most will be released in less than 6 months. Inmates sentenced to a two year sentence are eligible for parole release as soon as they arrive at the prison reception center. Most will already have jail time in that counts towards their sentence.

How do you avoid being stabbed in prison if you are already in prison?

kill someone to gain fear and respect.

What happens if you violate probation for aggravated battery with another battery charge with only four months left on probation?

A) You go to prison, where you belong. and B) You are a terrible person and should kill yourself.

How much is the fine for killing a robin?

It is illegal to intentionally kill robins, as they are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Violators could face fines of up to $15,000 and/or six months in prison.

How do you kill Charles Manson?

You don't. Manson is kept in solitary confinement 23/7 at Corcoran State Prison in California. He is kept alone for his own safety and it would be virtually impossible to kill him even for the other inmates.

What happens if I kill my mom's boyfriend?

You will go to prison.

How long is Tom Robinson sentenced to prison in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Tom Robinson is sentenced to life in prison after being wrongfully convicted of raping Mayella Ewell in "To Kill a Mockingbird." This unjust sentence is a significant event in the novel that highlights the racial prejudice prevalent in the society of Maycomb.

Did Jesse James Hollywood kill himself in prison?

No not yet

Did Demi Lovato kill someone?

No. If she had she would be in prison. Obviously.

Will you go to prison if you kill another human being?

yes you will

How many murderers have escaped prison?

Enough to kill you.