17 weeks (119 days) is about 3 days less than 4 months (121.75 days).
Each month is an average of 30.4 days long. Since there are 119 days in 17 weeks, this works out to 3.9 months.
your are 17 weeks
About 16 or 17 months
There are 13 weeks in a 3-month period. You are 3 months and 3 weeks pregnant.
17 weeks is 4 months - one month into the second trimester.
52 weeks is equivilant to 12 months therefore 74 weeks would equal approx. 17 months.
16 (nearly 17)
17 weeks is four months.
Four months and one week.
You have not specified the months and if it was a leap year. However, the average amount of weeks are as follows: 4 months is a third of a year. Therefore 365.25/7 is 52.1786 weeks. This divided by 3 is approx 17.4 weeks in 4 months
when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you? when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you?
Sixteen weeks is four months.