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Q: How many months does sadako spend in the hospital?
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Sadako's wish changed from initially wanting to get better from her illness to praying for world peace. With each crane she folded, she hoped for the end of suffering caused by wars and nuclear weapons. Her selfless wish inspired many others to join in her quest for peace.

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How many cranes did sadako make?

Sadako Sasaki folded more than 1000 paper cranes. It says on the official Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum page. (See Related links) Section 14: Sadako stringed thread through lines of cranes that she folded and hung them from the ceiling of her room in the hospital. By the end of August---less than a month after she started-Sadako had 1,000 paper cranes, but she continued to fold. Toward the end of September, Sadako's white blood cells began to increase for the third time since being hospitalized. Her condition gradually deteriorated until she could no longer walk unassisted. On the morning of October 25, surrounded by her family, Sadako passed away. Also, the book One Thousand Paper Cranes by Takayuki Ishii says that Sadako folded more than 1,000 cranes. He did a lot of research on the topic and even talked to the Sasaki family, as stated in the preface.

How many months did Josie Duggar stay in hospital after premature birth?

Josie Duggar was born when she was only 25 weeks along in fetal development on December 10, 2009. She was released from the hospital in June 2010, about six months after her birth.

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This will depend on the species. For instance, the average gestation of a hog is 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days (113 days) but the average gestation for an elephant is 22 months.