5. February has 28 or 29 days and April, June, September, and November have 30 days.
Some months have 28 days (29 in a Leap Year), others have 30 or 31 days. The average is just less than 30½ days. 119 days is therefore about 2 days less than 4 months.
more than 4 less than 5 months usually have 30 or 31 days 146/30 for example = 4.87 months slightly less if 31 days so about 4 months 3 weeks
5 months have 30 days or less. Four months have 30 days and one month, February, has 28 (or 29 in leap year). There is an old mnemonic rhyme to help you remember: "30 days hath September, April, June and November" -- all the rest have 31 [days] except February, which has 28 and in leap year 29.
it is aprox 3 months if each monthis is about 30 days 3x30 is 90 so approx 3 months mabey a bit less
11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.
Febuary has less than 30 days.
Some months have 28 days (29 in a Leap Year), others have 30 or 31 days. The average is just less than 30½ days. 119 days is therefore about 2 days less than 4 months.
more than 4 less than 5 months usually have 30 or 31 days 146/30 for example = 4.87 months slightly less if 31 days so about 4 months 3 weeks
5 months have 30 days or less. Four months have 30 days and one month, February, has 28 (or 29 in leap year). There is an old mnemonic rhyme to help you remember: "30 days hath September, April, June and November" -- all the rest have 31 [days] except February, which has 28 and in leap year 29.
it is aprox 3 months if each monthis is about 30 days 3x30 is 90 so approx 3 months mabey a bit less
11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.11 months of the year have at least 30 days.
About 3.5 months minus one day so about 3 months and 30 days so actually almost four months a little less.
Two months containing 30 days.
Different months have a different number of days. (ex. 30 & 31) if you are using 30 days then it would be 2 months and 10 days.
Although a "month" is not a fixed number of days, 360 months is 30 years, so in Julian years of 365.25 days it is 10957.5 days. Depending on whether the 30 years included 7 or 8 leap years, it would be either 10,957 or 10,958 calendar days.
There are 300 days if 30 days are in a month.
11. The question is not specifically asking how many months have "exactly" 30 days. 11 months have "at least" 30 days. There are four months that do have exactly 30 days, and there are at least five different versions of this riddle.