May has 31 days. The following months also have 31 days:
So including May there are 7 months which have 31 days.
Months are not of the same length but a year has 12 months and an average of approximately 365.25 days. This is equivalent to 30.4375 days per month. At that rate, 44 months is 1339.25 days.
100 days is approximately equal to 3 months and 10 days. An average month is 30.4 days which would make the values: 2 months and 10 days = 70.4 days 3 months and 10 days = 101.2 days 4 months and 20 days = 141.6 days 4 months and 10 days = 131.6 days
It is 5 months of 30 days or 4.9 average months of 30.4 days. In real life (not mathematically speaking), the same time span may relate to a different number of months according to the days and months in question. February has 28 days in 3 out of 4 years whereas March has 31 days. The simplest calculation is: Let a month have 30 days in average, then 150 days are 150/30 = 5 months. A simple statistical calculation may be: Let a year have 365 days and 12 months, than a month has 365/12 = 30.417 days in average; then 150 days are 150 / 30.417 = 4.9315 months. Of course there are further statistical calculations that could be made for the missing information (since the first day is not known) but 5 months is a good answer.
31 days. The number of days in October has remained the same since about 45BC.
4 in a half or 5 months, I believe. I think you just divide 143 into 30 days as in most months end in 30-31 days unlike February which ends in the 28th day.. So, divide 143 into 30 or 31 days, your choice and you should get something in like 4-5 months, you'll have to round the number if its something like 4.7888888 around it to 5.. :) Hope I helped. I'm not that good in Math but I was wondering the same thing and I got 4 1/2 to 5 months.
About 5 months. Months do not have the same number of days, and the average is about 30.4 days per calendar month (365.25/12). So 155 days would be approximately 5.1 months or 5 months and 3 days.
July and August
Months are not of the same length but a year has 12 months and an average of approximately 365.25 days. This is equivalent to 30.4375 days per month. At that rate, 44 months is 1339.25 days.
In a leap year, a day is added to February to keep the balance of the calendar making the year have 366 days in the year instead of 365. The number of days in all the other months stay the same which means that the months with 31 days stay the same. The months with 31 days are January, March, May, July, August, October, and December adding up to 7 months.
How many days in a month varies, so if you started in the beginning of a month that had 31 days till the month ended and the next month was the same, than 63 days would be 2 months and 1 days. But again it depends on how many days are in a month to be able to figure out how many months make up 63 days.
How many days in a month varies, so if you started in the beginning of a month that had 31 days till the month ended and the next month was the same, than 63 days would be 2 months and 1 days. But again it depends on how many days are in a month to be able to figure out how many months make up 63 days.
Not all months are the same length so it would depend on which months the 73 days fell over. If you started on January the 1st (inclusive) of a non leap-year it would be 2 months and 14 days.
Original calendars measured the year by dividing it into months. That number of days was based on the cycle of the Moon, which lasts about 29 and one-half days. Months in different cultures ranged from 28 to 31 days, As the year, based on the Sun, is about 365 days, the months could not all have the same number of days. 365 is not divisible by 28, 29, 30, or 31, so naturally some months had to have different amounts of days. Different cultures came up with different ways of naming their months and giving them their lengths.
DATEDIF function computes the difference between two dates in a variety of different intervals, such as the number of years, months, or days between the dates.Syntax for DATEDIF: =DATEDIF(Date1, Date2, Interval)Date1 = first dateDate2 = second dateInterval = interval typeInterval Types:m = Months (complete calendar months between dates)d = Days (number of days between dates)y = Years (complete calendar years between dates)ym = Months Excluding Years (complete calendar months between dates like they were in the same year)yd = Days Excluding Years (complete calendar days between dates like they were in the same year)MD = Days Excluding Years And Months (complete calendar days between dates like they were in the same month and same year)
100 days is approximately equal to 3 months and 10 days. An average month is 30.4 days which would make the values: 2 months and 10 days = 70.4 days 3 months and 10 days = 101.2 days 4 months and 20 days = 141.6 days 4 months and 10 days = 131.6 days
540 days is about the same as 18 months.
It is 5 months of 30 days or 4.9 average months of 30.4 days. In real life (not mathematically speaking), the same time span may relate to a different number of months according to the days and months in question. February has 28 days in 3 out of 4 years whereas March has 31 days. The simplest calculation is: Let a month have 30 days in average, then 150 days are 150/30 = 5 months. A simple statistical calculation may be: Let a year have 365 days and 12 months, than a month has 365/12 = 30.417 days in average; then 150 days are 150 / 30.417 = 4.9315 months. Of course there are further statistical calculations that could be made for the missing information (since the first day is not known) but 5 months is a good answer.