It depends on the months, and can be from 242 to 245 days. On average there are 30.4 days in a month, and 243.5 days in eight months (2/3 year)
There are 35 weeks in 245 days. Simply divide by 7.
10.2 days.
There are 5 weeks in 35 days, since there are 7 days in a week.
247 Days ÷ 7 Days/Week = 35 weeks. 35 weeks x 7 Days/week = 245 Days 247 Days - 245 Days = 2 Days. So 247 days is 35 weeks and 2 days.
245 days.
It depends on the months, and can be from 242 to 245 days. On average there are 30.4 days in a month, and 243.5 days in eight months (2/3 year)
245 months x 1 year/12 months = 20.4 years
About 243 days. But it can be from 242 to 245 days. There is no fixed number of days in a month, and the average is 30.4 days. As 8 months is 2/3 of a Julian year, it would be 243.5 days on average.
There are 35 weeks in 245 days. Simply divide by 7.
10.2 days.
245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.245 days, including both of those dates.
35x7 = 245 days. 8 1/2 months.
what do you mean after 245 days?
There are 5 weeks in 35 days, since there are 7 days in a week.
247 Days ÷ 7 Days/Week = 35 weeks. 35 weeks x 7 Days/week = 245 Days 247 Days - 245 Days = 2 Days. So 247 days is 35 weeks and 2 days.
5.6 months.