Average at 30 days per month.
30,000 hrs (1 day/24 hrs)(1 month/30 days)
= 41.7 months or 41 months and 21 days
If we take the first four months of the year means January,February ,March,April and May. Then the total hrs will be 162 hrs.
30000 gr = 1943970 mg
6800000000/30000 = 226666.6 recurring (that is, 226666.6666...)
There are 30.4375 average days in a month. 125 hrs is 5.208333 days. This means 125 hours is 0.1711 months
It all depends on which 8 months you are talking about. For 8 consecutive months they have the following number of hours (assuming a non Leap Year): * Jan - Aug - 5,832 hrs * * Feb - Sep - 5,832 hrs * * Mar - Oct - 5,904 hrs * Apr - Nov - 5,880 hrs * May - Dec - 5,904 hrs * Jun - Jan - 5,904 hrs * Jul - Feb - 5,856 hrs * * Aug - Mar - 5,832 hrs * * Sep - Apr - 5,808 hrs * * Oct - May - 5,832 hrs * * Nov - Jun - 5,808 hrs * * Dec - Jul - 5,832 hrs * In leap years the ones marked (*) have an additional 24 hrs5,843.88 total hours.
If we take the first four months of the year means January,February ,March,April and May. Then the total hrs will be 162 hrs.
1600 hours = 133.333 days = 4.37 months (counting a month as 30.5 days)
intern = longer hrs (6 months) ojt = shorter hrs (3 months)
not after 30000 kms but after every 3000kms or after 3 months from last service
30000 sec = 30000/60 = 500 minutes.
30000 ÷ 100 = 300
5000x2= 10000 miles in 1yr 10000x3= 30000 miles in 3 yrs answre= 30000 miles in 3yrs
Answer: 30000 ' = 9.144 km
£30000 is $36404 USD
30000 gr = 1943970 mg
6800000000/30000 = 226666.6 recurring (that is, 226666.6666...)
There are 30.4375 average days in a month. 125 hrs is 5.208333 days. This means 125 hours is 0.1711 months