Most months have 31 days. So if you divide 503/31 you get 16.22 months. So approximately 16 months.
5 months don't have 31 days, 7 months do. February has 28, or 29 in leap years. April, June, September, and November have 30 days.
31 weeks is 7 monts and three weeks!
11 months and 2 wks
You have about 22 wks to go, so you are a little over 4 mths.
31 weeks = 7 months and 1 week.
It 31 days in this months
Most months have 31 days. So if you divide 503/31 you get 16.22 months. So approximately 16 months.
It is 31 months and 23 days.
7 months and three weeks
5 months don't have 31 days, 7 months do. February has 28, or 29 in leap years. April, June, September, and November have 30 days.