27 months
11 months and 27 days
12 x 27 = 324
How many weeks between September 27, 2010 and June 30, 2011
April 27, 1940 was a Saturday.
Going forward in time to the next year, it is 4 days short of 7 months. April 10 comes 6 months and 27 days after the preceding September 14. The period of days will be either 208 days or 209 days if the April is in a leap year.
September 27 will be 32 weeks and the beginning of month eight.
October 27
It is just over 6 months. It is exactly 27 weeks.
September 15, 1965 - April 27, 1971 .
April 27th is three months later.
244 days; just under eight months
Alfred Deakin was Australian Prime Minister on three occasions:24 September 1903 to 27 April 1904 (seven months)5 July 1905 to 10 November 1908 (three years and four months)29 April 1909 to 13 April 1910 (just under one year)
September 27 and April 19.
Including the dates given there are 153 days.
September 27 and April 19.
There are 2 1/4 years in 27 months.