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12*55=660 months

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Q: How many months make 55years?
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How many months make 500 days?

16.4274556 months

How many months to make a year?

There are 12 months in a year.

What is the average number of teaching years?

in new jersey you must teach 25 years and be 55years of age.

Is nuclear energy been in use for over 55years?

I make it 54 years, from start at Calder Hall, UK, in 1956. Before that there may have been a few experiments but not on a commercially useful scale

How many months make a year in ethiopia?

A year is TWELVE months.

How old is Bill Nye the Science Guy in 2008?

bill Nye is now 55years old, that's what i found

How many years are between 57 BC and 16 AD?

71 cause no zero so minus those 2

How many months make 4 years?

12x4= 4 years = 48 months (there are 12 months in a year)

Can awomen with 20years ol marry with 55years old man?

As long as both are of legal age, anyone can be married :) so, yes

How many months do you have to be when you vomit?

ur q'tions doesn't make any sence.. months in WA ??

How many months are you when your twenty six weeks?

We average four weeks to make a month. That would make you six and half months pregnant.

How many months is 8.5 years?

There are twelve months in one year, so 85 months make 7 years and 1 month