It's better to stay away from months since they have differing numbers of days. Call that 7 weeks and 5 days.
There are 280 days in 40 weeks.
40 weeks is 280 days (40 x 7).
There are 5 weeks and 5 days in 40 days
there are 560 days in 80 weeks
It's about 9 months, give or take a few days.
Well, it depends on how long the months are, but if each month had 4 days, there would be 40 weeks in 10 months.
There are 280 days in 40 weeks.
40 weeks is 280 days (40 x 7).
There's 4 weeks/month so 10 months.
There are 5 weeks and 5 days in 40 days
3 months
You have roughly 14 weeks left because pregnancy lasts 40 weeks
there are 560 days in 80 weeks
40 weeks is 10 months. is wrong Pregnancy is 9 months. Every month but february has about 4 and a half weeks in it (not 4 weeks). 4 weeks is 28 days, and usually months have 30 or 31 days. Also, you are really only pregnant for 38 weeks. The baby's gestational age is calculated from the first day of the mother's last period, which is about 2 weeks BEFORE conception (I know, it's weird). So you are pregnant almost exactly 9 months. 40 weeks = 9 months ¦ 4.445 weeks = 1 month
40 weeks is 10 months. is wrong Pregnancy is 9 months. Every month but february has about 4 and a half weeks in it (not 4 weeks). 4 weeks is 28 days, and usually months have 30 or 31 days. Also, you are really only pregnant for 38 weeks. The baby's gestational age is calculated from the first day of the mother's last period, which is about 2 weeks BEFORE conception (I know, it's weird). So you are pregnant almost exactly 9 months. 40 weeks = 9 months ¦ 4.445 weeks = 1 month
It's about 9 months, give or take a few days.
40 weeks and 4 days