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There is one mountain in BC.

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Q: How many mountains are there in BC?
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Which part of Canada is very mountainous name mountain ranges?

BC, Alberta, and the Territories are known for their mountains though mountains are found in many areas. Canada has more mountain ranges than any other country, including the Rocky Mountains in BC and the Long Range Mountains in Newfoundland.

Why avalanche occur more in bc and Alberta?

Because BC and Alberta have mountains.

What do you call the mountains in British Columbia?

The main mountain ranges in BC are the Rockies and Coastal Mountains.

Where are the mountains in Victoria BC?

The mountains in Voctoria BC are small rocky hills found all over the Sannich Penisula and greater Victoria. Mount Doug, Mount Tolmie, Bear Mountain, Mount Work

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Cranbrook is in East Kootenay, in the south east of BC, just west of the Rocky Mountains and 50 miles from the border with Idaho.

Why do avalanches mainly occur in BC and Alberta?

because of all the vibrations that all the mountains make because of all the vibrations that all the mountains make

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What NATO country that has high mountains and crystal clear lakes?

Canada- Vancouver BC

Where are canadas famous mountains?

Canada's famous mountains, the Rockies, are right along the borderline between the provinces British Columbia (BC) and Alberta (AB).

How many years are there in 240 BC?

One.240 BC then 241 BC

How many km from kelowna bc to merritt bc?

== ==

How many years were there between BC and BC?
