There's no set number ! Every foetus is different - movements are independent, random.
2 weeks after sex the earliest.
Normal pregnancy is 40 weeks (37 to 42 weeks is accepted as normal) 40 - 8 weeks = 32 weeks - 1 day = 31 weeks 6 days
About 14-15 weeks into pregnancy the fetus is about 9cm long so it was conceived 12-13 weeks ago.
1-2 weeks.
Its hard to explain but I will try my best. When you conceive, you are technically two weeks pregnant because doctors consider the last day of your menstrual period to be the first week of pregnancy (even though you really aren't pregnant). You cannot discover pregnancy till about two weeks after being pregnant, so if you find out right away, you are about four weeks pregnant.
if you are bleeding during pregnancy you should seek medical advice
You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. By the second pregnancy, some women start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks. You're more likely to feel baby move when you're in a quiet position, either sitting or lying down.
Cervical mucus should not dry up during pregnancy.
You should have a positive pregnancy test during the entire pregnancy. The hormone levels are the highest from 10 to 14 weeks and a home pregnancy test will be the "strongest" positive then.
There should be at least be 40 weeks in pregnancy.
wat should i be feel for the first two weeks of being pregnet and wat should i stay away from
Most women don't even know they are pregnant at that point. There should be very few symptoms of pregnancy if any, at only 2 weeks pregnant.
30 weeks.
You die
No. You should see your doctor for any pains or bleeding you have during pregnancy.
Not until the final few weeks, unless there is a medical reason or concern.
At your present time in your pregnancy you should be fine in normal pressurised passenger aircraft. However go to the related link below (Air travel during pregnancy) for more detailed information on air travel during pregnancy.