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Figures are averages, not exacts.

5 movies per week = 20 movies per month.

20 movies per month multiplied by 12 months in a year = 240 movies a year

60 years average life expectancy multiplied by 240 movies a year = 14,400 movies in 60 years.

So for how many movies, the answer is on average 14,400in a lifetime.

Carrying on...

14,400 movies multiplied by 120 minutes on average per movie = 1,728,000 minutes of movie watching.

1,728,000 minutes of movie watching divided by 60 minutes an hour = 28,800 hours of movie watching.

There are 8,765 hours in an average year.

So the average person watches 3 years 2 days worth of movies in their lifetime.

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