The idea is to divide the distance by the time. Convert the time to hours first.
6.923 mph
93.08 mph at that rate.
3.46 mph
4 hr 21 min
It matters how fast you're going. 60 miles per hour= 5620 min 120 mph=2810 min 240 mph=1405 min
It is 3 mph.
6.923 mph
30 mph at that rate.
About 8.75 mph at that rate.
75 miles at a constant speed
1 hour = 60 min so each one mile = 1 min when 60 mph there for 17 miles will be 60/50*17= 20.40 min.
93.08 mph at that rate.
3.46 mph
19h 6 min
1.5 miles in 12 minutes equates to an average speed of 7.5 mph for the whole distance.
1 hour and 17 min.