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1 therm = 1.05 X 108 joules

1 gallon = 3.79 liters

60 gallons X 3.79 = 227.4 liters

Water = 1g/mL = 1000g/1000mL = 1kg/1L

227.4L = 227.4 kg

Specific heat of water = 4,186 j/kg°C

140°F = 60°C

55°F = 12.78°C

Q = mC∆T

Q1 = (227.4 kg)(4,186 j/kg°C)(60°C - 12.78°C)

Q1 = 4.495 X 107

(4.495 X 107 j)(1 therm/1.05 X 108 j) = 0.428 == ==

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Q: How many natural gas therms are required to heat a 60 gal water tank from 55F to 140F?
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Is 60celsius equals equals to 32 Fahrenheit?

No, 60 degrees Celsius is equal to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

How much should it cost to heat 1 gallon of water from 50f to 140f at a natural gas price of 2 per CCF?

I had already done the calculation for raising water from 60f to 125f using a cost of $1 per therm. This should give you a rough idea. Q=c*m*(t2-t1), where, c=specific heat of water (1 calorie/gram) m=mass of 1 gal of water = 3780 grams t is in degrees celsius: 60f-125f ==> 15.5C-51.6C Using those values, Q=[1 cal/gm][3780 gm/gal][51.6C-15.5C] ==>136458 cal/gal There are 25200 Kilicalories/therm, so 1364548 calories = .005 therm. So, at $1/therm for natural gas, the cost to heat 1 gallon of water from 60f to 125f is about 1/2 cent.