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Q: How many nautical miles equals a degree of latitude?
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How many miles is 40 degrees?

40 degrees of latitude is approximately 2760 miles. 1deg = @69 mi. For nautical miles 1 degree of latitude equals 60 nautical miles. 1 minute of latitude equals 1 nautical mile. This means that if you were at 41deg 25minutes North latitude, you would be 2,485 nautical miles north of the equator.

What is one degree of latitude equal to in nautical miles?

The lines of longitude radiate out from the poles. At their point of origin, i.e. at 90o latitude, there is no distance at all between the lines! However, at latitude 89o, very near the poles, the distance between the respective 'one degree' lines of longitude is about one nautical mile. At latitude 48.37o the distance along the line of latitude is 40 nautical miles And a 1o longitude difference along the equator (0o latitude) represents a distance of about 60.1 nautical miles. For calculator, see Related links below this box

Is there another name for a nautical mile?

a nautical mile is also know a "a knot". It is equal to one 60th of a degree of latitude. So a degree equals 60 nautical miles.

How many degrees of latitude equals 1 sea mile?

1 nautical mile is equivalent to one minute of latitude, which corresponds to one sixtieth of a degree of latitude.

What is the distance in miles from the Equator to Aruba?

Aruba is about 863 miles [1,389 kilometers; 750 nautical miles] from the Equator.Aruba's latitude is 12 degrees 30 minutes North latitude. One degree of latitude is equal to about 69 miles [60 nautical miles]. There are 60 minutes in one degree of latitude. The formula to figure the distance is 12.5 x 69 miles [60 nautical miles]. The result is 863 miles [750 nautical miles].

How many miles does 5 degrees equal along a great circle?

One degree of latitude (north or south) equals 60 nautical miles. One degree of longitude (east-west) is approximately 60 nautical miles times the cosine of the mid-latitude. So 5 degrees is something less than 300 NM, depending on the heading and the latitude.

What is the relationship between latitude and nautical miles?

Latitude is a measure of how far north or south a location is relative to the equator. Nautical miles are a unit of measurement used in navigation, with one nautical mile equal to one minute of latitude. As such, the distance covered in nautical miles increases as one moves away from the equator due to the convergence of meridians at the poles.

Latitude is used to locate what?

Latitude identifies your distance from the equator, and whether north or south of it. It is measured in degrees north or south. One degree of latitude is 60 nautical miles (by definition). A nautical mile is about 70 statute miles (aka land miles).

How many miles are in degree?

One degree of latitude, and one degree of longitude along the equator only, is equivalent to roughly 69.1 miles (111 km). One degree of latitude, and of longitude on the equator only, is also equal to about 60 nautical miles.

What is the latitude of 840 miles north of the equator?

840 statute miles is about 730 nautical miles. There are 60 nautical miles per degree of latitude, so 730/60 = 12.17 degrees north. So, about 12 degrees 10 minutes north.

What is the latitude of the 840 miles north of the equator?

840 statute miles is about 730 nautical miles. There are 60 nautical miles per degree of latitude, so 730/60 = 12.17 degrees north. So, about 12 degrees 10 minutes north.

How many miles are in one degree?

One degree of latitude, and one degree of longitude along the equator only, is equivalent to roughly 69.1 miles (111 km). One degree of latitude, and of longitude on the equator only, is also equal to about 60 nautical miles.