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Q: How many nickel make a dime?
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How many dimes makea nickel?

You fail to understand the value of a nickel or a dime. A nickel is 5 cents. A dime is 10 cents. There are 2 nickels to make 1 dime.

How many ways you can make change for a dime?

You can make for a dime in 3 ways. 10 pennies 1 Nickel and 5 pennies 2 Nickels.

How many dimes in a nickel?

A nickel is a five-cent United States coin. A dime is a ten-cent coin. Therefore, a nickel is half of a dime.

How many different ways can you get 75 cents with a quarter nickel a dime and a penny?

A quarter, a nickel, a dime, and a penny is only 41 cents ... not enough to make 75 cents in even one way.

How many nickel in 1 dime?


How is a dime different than nickel?

A dime is smaller than a nickel. A nickel is worth less than a dime. A dime has a ridged side, while a nickel is smooth and thicker.

What 2 coins make 15 cents but there are no nickels involved?

A dime and a half dime (a coin last minted in 1873)You may be thinking of the brain teaser "What two coins make 15 cents if one of them is not a nickel?" The answer to that question is of course a dime and a modern nickel. The dime is the one coin that's not a nickel!

Is a nickel half a dime?

Yes, a nickel is half a dime!

What is a nickel worth of what percent of a dime?

A nickel equals 5 cents; the dime 10 cents. Two nickels equals one dime in value. So the nickel is 50% of the dime.

What does it cost to make a dime?

Penny- 2.41 cents Nickel- 11.18 Dime- 5.65 Quarter- 11.14 1$ coin- 18.03 Its absurd considering it cost twice as much to make a penny and a nickel then what they are worth.

Who is on the US dime and nickel?

Dime: Franklin D. Roosevelt Nickel: Thomas Jefferson

How many cents does a dime cost?

There are ten cents in a dime. 1 = cent = 'penny' 5 = nickel 10 = dime 100 = dollar