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Q: How many nickels stacked up reach an inch?
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How tall are nickels and how many does it take to equal in height to the Empire State Building?

There are 13 stacked nickels in an inch, 12 inches in a foot and the Empire State building is 1250 feet high to the 102nd floor so 195,000 nickels would be needed.

How many nickels make on inch?

A single nickel in the United States has a diameter of 0.835 inches. Therefore, it would take approximately 1.2 nickels to make one inch.

How many nickels would it take to get to the moon?

If we assume the target is the moon's surface about 238,855 miles away, and a nickel is about 0.08 inches thick, you would need around 49,363,635,740,626 nickels stacked on top of each other to reach the moon. This calculation assumes ideal conditions and doesn't account for various complexities like structural integrity, weight, or practicality.

How many nickels are in one inch?

Assume that nickels are measured in diameter, and we want to form the certain number of nickels to form an inch. Let the diameter of the nickel be 22 millimeters, which is 2.2 centimeters. Note that 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters. Then, there is no definite number of nickels that exactly form an inch since: 2.54 centimeters * 1 nickel / 2.2 centimeters = 1.15... nickels [and we obtain the "incomplete" nickel to form an inch]!

How many nickels do you need if you stacked them 100 inches tall?

it would be 1600 nickels because according to the US mints, each nickel is 1/16 of an inch thick and 1/16x100=1600. You're welcome. 😎

How many centimeters is 6 stacked nickels?

US nickels are 1.95 mm thick; 6*1.95 = 11.7 mm or 1.17 cm Canadian nickels are 1.76 mm thick; 6*1.76 = 10.56 mm or 1.056 cm

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How many nickels make a 1 inch stack?

US nickels are 1.95 mm thick. A US inch is 25.4 mm so you would need 25.4 / 1.95 = 13 coins.

How many quarters stacked make an inch?

A U.S. minted 0.25 cent piece is 1/16th of an inch thick. So 16.

How many nickels in an inch?

If you mean, "How many nickels make a stack 1 inch high?", the answer depends on whether you're using US or Canadian nickels. Coins are measured in mm so you need to know that a US inch is 25.4 mm US nickels are 1.95 mm thick so you'd need 25.4 / 1.95 = 13 coins, almost exactly. Canadian nickels are 1.76 mm thick so you'd need 25.4 / 1.76 = 14.4 coins. You can't have 0.4 of a nickel so you'd need 15 of them to make a stack at least an inch high.

How many nickels make 100 inches?

1303 Nickels stacked up would be roughly 100 inches. A nickel is 1.95mm thick which is 0.07677165 inches thick.

How many nickels can make a 100 inch stack?

Nickels are 1.95 mm thick, although that could vary depending on wear. 1.95mm is about 0.076-0.077 inches. So, it would be about 1298-1316 nickels.