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Q: How many number of designation for thumb metacarpal?
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How many bone is in the Thumb?

There are four bones in the thumb. one at the top one at the bottom and one at either side.The bones in the thumb consist of: distal phalanx; proximal phalanx; metacarpal; carpal bones (carpometacarpal joint (CM).

How many vitamins are in a thumb?

2 always !! . . . . . . . stop ringing this number

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"0.422675282" is just a number, without a measure designation it means nothing.

How many metacarpal bones does a horse possess?

6. Each forelimb has one large metacarpal and a short, thin, non-weight bearing carpal on either side of it, commonly known as the 'splint' bones

How many cells are in your thumb?

The number of cells in a thumb can vary, but it is estimated that there are billions of cells in a single thumb. The thumb, like any other body part, is composed of a complex arrangement of different types of cells that work together to maintain its structure and function.

How many metacarpal bones in a cow?

A cow has five metacarpal bones in each forelimb. These bones are located between the carpals (wrist bones) and the phalanges (finger bones) and help provide structure and support to the hoof.

How many bones are in your finger?

The number of bones in the first four fingers are three, and two in the thumb, these are called phalanges. Another bone, called a metacarpal, connected the finger to the wrist through the palm for each of the five fingers (including the thumb).If you put it all together, you have 14 bones in all your fingers combined :)that first part is wrong and it is 27 bones in your entire you guys are wrong >=(There are 3 bones in each finger, the proximal phalanx, middle phalanx, and distal phalanx. There are only 2 bones in the thumb, however, the proximal and distal phalanx.

How many bones are normally found in digits 2 to 5?

4, one metacarpal and three phalanges each

How many bones are in your hands?

There are 27 bones in your hand: 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals, and 14 phalanges (each of your fingers has 3 phalanges in them - proximal, middle, and distal. However, there are only two phalanges in your thumb, proximal and distal.)

How many 16 year olds are there in the UK?

750000 aprox Seem to be the same number of each age as a rule of thumb the real number is closer to 738000 however the number fluctuates.

How many thumb joints?

The thumb has two joints: the metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint at the base of the thumb and the interphalangeal (IP) joint at the tip of the thumb.

How many does the thumb have?
