The sugababes have had seven number 1 singles in the UK. (up to date as of October 10th, 2009)
12 number one singles and 7 number one albums.
100 Inches is 254 Centimetres.
112 224 336 448
Drake has never had a number one single. Best I Ever Had reached number two.
the sugababes live in England
Sugababes was created in 1998.
"About You Now", The first single of their fifth album, 'Change'. It went number one for 4 weeks, and is the biggest selling sugababes song of all time.
Kesha wasn't from the Sugababes.
Change - Sugababes album - was created in 1999.
Denial - Sugababes song - was created in 2007.
Freedom - Sugababes song - was created on 2011-09-25.
Change - Sugababes song - was created on 2007-12-17.
In 1998.
Angels with Dirty Faces - Sugababes album - was created in 2001.
How many number ones did Elvis Presley have in this country.England