32C3 = 4960
If you're limited to only 5 digits that can't be repeated, then there are 120 ways they can be arranged.
Six: 234, 243, 324, 342, 423, and 432.
32C3 = 4960
If you're limited to only 5 digits that can't be repeated, then there are 120 ways they can be arranged.
Six: 234, 243, 324, 342, 423, and 432.
There are 60480 numbers.
1,956 different numbers can be made from 6 digits. You can calculate this by using the permutation function in a summation function, like this: Σ6k=1 6Pk = 6P1+6P2+...+6P5+6P6 What this does is calculate how many 1 digit numbers you can make from 6 digits, then how many 2 digit numbers can be made from 6 digits and adds the amounts together, then calculates how many 3 digit numbers can be made and adds that on as well etc.
I assume you mean how many 4-digit numbers can be made from a set such as {A,A, B, C} where A, B and C are single digits. There are 12 such numbers.
9*9*9 = 729 using the digits 1 to 9 and 2*9 using 10 and another digit. 749 in all.
9915 1159 5555 9999 1111