A South Indian Bank account has 16 digits in an individual account number
Bank routing numbers can be found on a check next to the account number or found on some websites. Many websites also offer lists of routing numbers for various banks, or alternatively just ask in your bank.
There are two types of numbers on a check, the ABA-designated routing number and the check owner's bank account number. The American Banking Association (ABA) assigned ABA (routing numbers) in 1910, since then each bank is required to have its own ABA number. Originally the first four numbers were supposed to give away the location of the bank, now the numbers are no longer accurate to that purpose. The fifth through eighth numbers are all used by the Federal Reserve to determine routing information on the checks. The ninth number is used to verify the previous numbers are correct. A standard bank account number is nine or ten digits long, but can be as long as seventeen digits, it just depends on the bank in question.
It depends on the bank, every bank has a diffrent amount of digits in the account.
A South Indian Bank account has 16 digits in an individual account number
probably 6
Bank of America uses a nine digit number for their bank accounts. Each person has their own account and has different numbers.
There are 9 numbers in a Chase bank account. Should you ever need to find your account's numbers, you can do so by looking at checks your bank gives you or by simply looking at the top right corner of your monthly statement.
Number of bank accounts is how many bank accounts and bank account number is the number that identifies the bank account.
A bank routing number is the series of numbers that uniquely identifies both the company and location of a specific bank branch. The best way to find the bank routing number is on one of your checks from an account at the old bank. You may also find the numbers on an account statement. Many bank websites also list bank routing numbers.
there r 10 digits in an aamerican bank account