There is 1 syllable.
No. of Accident*(Ref.Value)/(total working man-hours)Ref. Value=100 (Number of worker) * 45 (number of working hours per week) * 50 (number of working weeks a year)Result = 225 000if you accept number of working hours per week=40result will be = 200 000
ref veeru
50 * .035 = 1.75 Ref : Easycalculation
The matrices that follow d rule of reflexivity is known as ref matrix
No, but type it into google and if another handbag appears that is not yours but has the same ref number, its a replica.
its the ref no.
The ref needs to be able to show the player's number on one hand to call fouls, so numbers cannot be over 5.
Prime numbers are numbers which can only be divided by 2 numbers: 1 and themselves. Composite numbers are all others: numbers which can be divisible by any integer from 2-(n/2) where n is your given number.<ref>We say (n/2) because the lowest prime to divide is 2, thus the highest is n/2</ref> Now with definitions aside, let's analyze the number 3305. Is there any number which is clearly divisible? There is! Note that when a number is multiplied by 5, it will yield a number which ends in a 5 or 0. In fact, multiples of 5 equals all numbers ending with 0 or 5. Thus, 3305 must be divisible by 5. You can check it, though it's unnecessary: 3305 / 5 = 661
2, an Up Ref and a down Ref.
What is the fram oil filter number cross ref to stens 120-52 3
may be it ref no of engine in short it use for ref on production of engine
it means reference number From my iPad
There is 1 syllable.
Player Number, Name and Club
one ref, two lines men, one fourth official, only ref is on the pitch
Referee has three syllables. The syllables are ref-er-ee.