None, 53 is a prime number.
Including 10 and 53 there are 44 numbers. Excluding 10 and 53 there would be 42 numbers.1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253
Only 1 and 53 ... it's a prime number
There are 20 natural numbers between 32 and 53.
Since 53 is a prime number, its only prime factor is itself.
1 and 53
53 and 2 are both prime numbers and their LCM is 106
None, 53 is a prime number.
Including 10 and 53 there are 44 numbers. Excluding 10 and 53 there would be 42 numbers.1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253
Only 1 and 53 ... it's a prime number
There are 20 natural numbers between 32 and 53.
53/100 is in SF. Can you divide both numbers by 2? No. (2 cannot go into 53)
Including 32 and 53 = 22 whole numbers in betweenNot including 32 and 53 = 20 whole numbers in between
1 and 53. 1 x 53 = 53 There are no other whole number solutions as 53 is a prime number.
Since 53 is a prime number, its only prime factor is itself.
The only such number is 1.