Exactly 2: 243 of them.
there are 899 whole numbers that have three digits.
There are no 3-digit whole numbers whose digits sum to 3. The smallest 3-digit number is 100, and the largest is 999, but in neither case is the sum of the digits equal to 3.
There are 5 numbers of 1 digit, 25 numbers of 2 digits, and 75 numbers of 3 digits. This makes 105 numbers in all.
Exactly 2: 243 of them.
900 of them.
there are 899 whole numbers that have three digits.
Numbers above 99 and under 1000 are 3-digits, all 900 of them.
All the whole numbers between 99 and 1,000. Simple subtraction will give you a number, if that's what you meant to ask. 900, the numbers above are exclusive.
2*3*3*3*3 = 162
There are no 3-digit whole numbers whose digits sum to 3. The smallest 3-digit number is 100, and the largest is 999, but in neither case is the sum of the digits equal to 3.
from 3 digits (10x10) to 4 digits (99X99)
There are 5 numbers of 1 digit, 25 numbers of 2 digits, and 75 numbers of 3 digits. This makes 105 numbers in all.
None - since the digits used - when added together divide exactly by three. 1+3+5=9... 9/3=3. This means that ANY of the numbers created can be divisible by three.