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Q: How many numbers of pairs of parallel faces does a triangular based pyramid have?
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How many Numbers of pairs a parallel faced does a triangular based pyramid?


How many pars of parallel lines does an triangular based pyrimidines?

A triangular based pyramid has no parallel lines but it does have 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices.

How many pairs of parallel faces does a triangular based pyramid have?

A triangular based pyramid has zero pairs of parallel faces. In a triangular based pyramid, all three faces of the base are not parallel to the apex, which means there are no pairs of parallel faces in this type of shape.

How many parallel pairs does a triangular based pyramid have?

A triangular-based pyramid, also called a tetrahedron, has no parallel faces, but has 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices

How may parallel faces does a triangular based pyramid have?


How many parallel sides does a triangular based pyramid have?


How many pairs of parallel faces are there in triangular based pyramid?

None. A triangle based pyramid is a 4-sided solid (a tetrahedron), and has no parallel sides.

How many parallel faces does a triangular based pyramid have?


How many pairs of parallel faces does a triangular-based pyramid have?

A triangular-based pyramid, also called a tetrahedron, has no parallel faces, but has 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices

Which pyramid or prism hs no parallel edges?

A tetrahedron is a triangular based pyramid that has no parallel edges whereas most prisms have parallel edges such as a cuboid or a cylinder.

Parallel faces on the triangular based pyramid?

None but it does have 4 triangular faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices

How many pairs of parallel faces does a triangular based pyramid?

A triangular-based pyramid, also called a tetrahedron, has no parallel faces, but has 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices