

How many numerals are there?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: How many numerals are there?
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There are many but roman numerals refer tohindu arrabic numerals

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1,000,000 If you count them you will see that there are 7 numerals.

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There are 3 of those numerals and they are: x,x1,x11,cx

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Indian numerals came to be called Hindu- Arabic numerals for many reasons. Some of those reasons are because they were originated from India where they were using the numerals for 1 to 9 for more than 2,000 years. Arab traders then brought these numerals to the West, As a result, we call them Arabic numerals, or Hindu-Arabic numerals.

How did Indian numerals come to be called Arabic numerals?

Indian numerals came to be called Hindu- Arabic numerals for many reasons. Some of those reasons are because they were originated from India where they were using the numerals for 1 to 9 for more than 2,000 years. Arab traders then brought these numerals to the West, As a result, we call them Arabic numerals, or Hindu-Arabic numerals.

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I don't know. How many digits are there in numerals from 1 to 1 million? EH. FITE ME.

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