None were killed in the twin towers. Eight children died on 9/11 but they were all plane passengers.
Eleven digit numbers are those in the range between 9,999,999,999 and 100,000,000,000 exclusive. There are 90,000,000,000 of these.
It is 262 days between those two dates.
In retrospect, no.
11 + 11 + 88 = 11*(1 + 1 + 8) = 11*(10) = 110
All those who weren't killed in the attacks. Honestly, they didn't try to find out how many people survived the attack.
11 workers were killed in the 1979 Ixtoc oil spill.
Just under 3000 people got killed
The communications director of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee [ADC], Hussein Ibish, said more than 200 Arab Americans worked in the World Trade Center and many of them were killed when terrorists crashed fuel-laden jetliners into the towers September 11.
the radicall Muslims caused it.
2,996 (I did a report on 9/11 a few days ago. I memorized how many were killed.)
There is no religion that is dominantly or exclusively composed of terrorists.None. The terrorists are small minorities within different religions; most members of those religions wouldn't agree with their extreme views.
He killed 11 People. Thx :D
he killed many in the 9/11
The number of Jews killed in the holocaust was between 11 million to 17 million people.
There were many people killed in 9/11, and most of them were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Bless them