There are 16 ounces in one pound. Therefore, 2 pounds 6 ounces is equal to (2 x 16) + 6 = 38 ounces.
16 ounces to a pound, therefore 47 ounces = 2 pounds 15 ounces.
2 x 16 ounces = 1 quart
1 lb = 16 ounces 2 lbs = 32 ounces and add the 2 ounces to get 34 ounces
16 ounces equal 2 cups, also known as a pint. Also, 16 ounces equal a pound.
1 US gal is 128 fluid ounces, so 2 gal is 256 fl oz.
10 gal * 4 qt/gal * 2 pt/qt * 2 cup/pt * 8 fl oz/cup = 1280 fl oz
There are 256 ounces in 2 gallons.
2 US gallons is 256 ounces.
2 cups
2 gal
256 fluid ounces
That is 70.548 ounces.
64 ounces.
16 i believe
38 ounces
No, two half gallons do not make a pint. A half gallon is equal to 64 fluid ounces, and a pint is equal to 16 fluid ounces. Therefore, you would need 4 pints to equal 2 half gallons.