16 oz (ounce) = 1 lb (pound) = approximately 0.45 Kg
8 ounces is 1/2 of a pound.
This question is probably the result of confusion between the two uses of ounce (oz). The 16 oz bottle refers to the volume of its content and that is not directly related to an ounce which is 1/16 of a pound (mass).
16 ounces = 1 pound
There are 16 ounces in a pound, so 3/4 of a pound is 12 oz
There are 8 oz. in a cup so how many cups equal a pound?
There are 8 oz. in a cup so how many cups equal a pound?
16 oz to a lb
16 oz = 1 pound
16 ounces in a pound
1 pound.
there are 16 oz in one pound, one oz equals 1/16 of a pound
16 oz.
There are 16 ounces in 1 pound.
16 oz = 1 lb.
1 pound is equal to 16 ounces.
Yes, 16 oz is equal to 1 pound.