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Q: How many paper clips equal one kilogram?
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If a paper clip weighs approximately one gram estimate how many paper clips will be in a 0.5 kilogram box of paper clips?

Since 1 kilogram is equal to 1000 grams, a 0.5 kilogram box would contain 500 grams of paper clips. Therefore, there would be approximately 500 paper clips in a 0.5 kilogram box.

How many paperclips in a kilogram?

On average, there are about 150 paper clips in a gram. Therefore, in a kilogram, there would be around 150,000 paper clips.

How many paper clips do you need to equal a pencil?

You would need 4 paper clips in order to equal the weight of a pencil.

How many paper clips measure one kilogram?

One paper clip weighs one gram, so since kilo is one thousand, it must be one thousand paper clips.

About how many clips would it take to weigh 1 kilogram?

it would be about 1000, because a paper clip weighs about a gram, and kilo means 1000.

How many curves on standard paper clips?

There are three bends on my paper clips.

How many paper clips is 1 pound?

theirs 30 paper clips

How many paper clips can you hang from a paper clip?

The number of paper clips you can hang from a single paper clip will depend on the strength of the paper clip and the weight of the paper clips being hung. On average, you may be able to hang 5-10 paper clips before the weight causes the paper clip to bend or break.

How many paper clips make a ounce?

It depends on the size and weight of the paper clips, but on average, approximately 60-70 standard-sized paper clips make an ounce.

How many 1 kg of each paper clips are in the box?

The number of 1 kg paper clips in a box depends on the size and weight of the paper clips. The weight of individual paper clips vary, so the number of paper clips in a 1 kg box will differ based on the weight of each clip.

How many paper clips long is Arizona from its northern to its southern border?

Assuming a paper clip is about an inch, approximately 24766100 paper clips.

How many paper clips are in 1 mole of paper clips?

It is not possible to give an exact number of paper clips in 1 mole since mole is a unit used for counting atoms or molecules, not larger objects like paper clips. However, 1 mole of paper clips would contain Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23) of individual paper clips.