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depends on the size of the paperclips

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Q: How many paperclips will it take to make a kilogram?
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How many centigrams does it take to make a kilogram?

103 / 10-2 = 105 or 100,000

How many grams does it take to make one kilo gram?

1000 grams = 1 kilogram

How many kg does it take to make a pound?

There are 2.2lbs in a kg therefore there are 0.4545kg in 1lb.

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It can take around 2 million flowers to produce one kilogram of honey. Bees need to visit numerous flowers to collect enough nectar to produce honey, as they collect small amounts of nectar with each trip.

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US nickels weigh 5 grams so you'd need 200 of them to weigh a kilo.

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A soccer ball weighs about 450 grams .How many more grams would it take to weigh 1 kilogram?

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How many dollar bills would it take to weigh 1 kilogram?

like about 1,000

How many kilogram does it take to make a gram?

1 kg = 1000 grams 1 gram = 0.001 kg

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It takes 4186 joules to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius. The mass does make a difference.

How long will it take for 2 grams to get to 3 kilograms?

1500 times 2 grams will make 3 kilogram.

A soccer ball weighs about 450 grams how many more grams would it take to weigh 1 kilogram?

First of all, grams and kilograms are units of mass, not weight.To answer the question: 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams, so an objectwith a mass of 450 grams is 550 grams short of 1 kilogram.