a buisiness letter usually contains one paragraph because you don't want to bore them so make it short and to the point.
THINK. How many different topics are you writing? One topic, one paragraph, one page is a letter. Six topics, six paragraphs, one page or two - makes a letter.
You shouldn't have to use spaces, use indentations or space out the first sentence, like this: We went to grandma's house yesterday. ^ / That is an indention.
It's equal to about 3/4 of a page.
Atleast Three.
5,000000000 times
There should be three paragraphs to a letter.
The body paragraphs.
any no of paragraphs....
if using the usual block style, no.
Personal letters are usually indented. Business letters are not.
THINK. How many different topics are you writing? One topic, one paragraph, one page is a letter. Six topics, six paragraphs, one page or two - makes a letter.
There are no set limits. It has one or more.
yes a friend letter can have as much paragraphs as you want
In a full block business letter, each element of the letter (title, address, salutation, body, salutation, signature, identification, attachments) is left-aligned. Also, the first sentences of paragraphs are not indented. The first sentences of paragraphs are indented.
A formal letter typically consists of three paragraphs: an introduction, a body paragraph that contains the main message or purpose of the letter, and a conclusion that may include a call to action or a summary of the key points.