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Q: How many parallel sides has a triangle got?
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How many parallel sides has a equilataral triangle got?

A triangle, no matter the type, can never have any parallel sides. To try this out, draw any two parallel lines on a sheet of paper and try to make a triangle out of it.

Does a triangle have 2 parallel sides? got 2 acute angles though

How many sides to a triangle?

A triangle has got 3 sides to it & that's why it's called a triangle. Three sides.

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How many pairs of parallel sides has a trapeziums got?

One pair.

Has an octohedron got any parallel sides?

It can - up to 6 pairs of parallel sides.

Has a parallelogram got 2 parallel sides?

It has two pairs of parallel sides (4).

Does a kite have two pairs of opposite sides parallel?

No a kite has got no parallel sides

What shapes has got 3 sides?

A triangle.

What is called a shape got 3 sides?

A triangle has 3 sides

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What shape has got 1 pair of parallel sides?

A trapezoid has only 1 pair of opposite parallel sides of different lengths.